Ranae Kai’s passion is teaching and coaching wellness in all areas of life.
Ranae Kai teaches rich plant based eating and stretching techniques, and coaches, great health yields great results.
Ranae Kai supports athletes and families to develop strength through transformative lifestyle approaches. She provides daily stretching practices as well as weekly eating plans to enhance athletic performance on and off competing grounds.
When we stretch well, we move well. When we eat well, we feel well.
When we thrive, we live.
Ranae Kai is firm believer of soaring high and achieving excellence through a healthy lifestyle. She is also a delighted partner of
equipping athletes for successful professions.
Top Athletes at your finger tips!!
— Donte, Soccer Athlete
“I thoroughly enjoyed my stretch. It is definitely a performance enhancer."
— Jalen, Lacross Athlete
“I have been really liking them. Stretching out, making sure my legs are loose always helps with my athletic stuff."
— Bruce, Trainer
“It was good, Ranae is a good coach. Very educational."
Did you know that stretching lengthens the muscle tissue and helps circulate fresh blood as well as provide nutrients to hungry muscles
​Did you know that dynamic stretching (pre-play) increases your endurance and enhances your performance? Just like a car with regular oil maintenance drives long distances without breaking down (or cramping up in comparison to the body)
Did you know that stretching mirrors the movements your body naturally makes when training competing, performing AND reduces soreness (during and post) AND takes only 10 to 30 minutes to obtain success